
All code starting with a $ is meant to run on your terminal. All code starting with a > is meant to run in a node.js interpreter.


Install the SDK with npm.

$ npm install js-conflux-sdk

Using Conflux

This library depends on a connection to an Conflux node. These connections normally called Providers and there are several ways to configure them. This guide will use Conflux testnet provider https://test.confluxrpc.com.

Povider: Official testnet

The quickest way to interact with the Conflux blockchain is using a remote node provider, like official testnet. You can connect to a remote node by specifying the endpoint.

// import Conflux Class
const { Conflux } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
// initialize a Conflux object
const conflux = new Conflux({
    url: 'https://test.confluxrpc.com', // testnet provider
    logger: console, // for debug: this will log all the RPC request and response to console
    networkId: 1,  // note networkId is required to initiat
    // timeout: 300 * 1000, // request timeout in ms, default 300*1000 ms === 5 minute

Getting balance

Then we can use the Conflux instance get blockchain data.

async function main() {
  // use conflux to get balance (in Drip) of a conflux address
  const address = 'cfxtest:aak2rra2njvd77ezwjvx04kkds9fzagfe6d5r8e957';
  const balance = await conflux.cfx.getBalance(address);


The conflux instance have a lot methods that correspond to Conflux RPC methods, such as getBalance map to RPC cfx_getBalance. Call these methods will return a promise or thenable, which means you can use it with ES6 async/await syntax.

Transfer CFX

CFX is the native token of Conflux network, can be transfered from one address to another address through transaction. To send one account's CFX, you must know address's private key.

// ... conflux init code
// NOTE: before send transaction, `from`'s privateKey must add to wallet first.
const account = conflux.wallet.addPrivateKey('0xxxxxxxxxx');
const targetAddress = 'cfxtest:xxxxxxx';
let pendingTx = conflux.cfx.sendTransaction({
  from: account.address,
  to: targetAddress,
  value: 1 // the unit is drip
let txHash = await pendingTx;
// 0xedcfece4cc7a128992c18147cdc2b9ee58861249c97889654932d3162f78b556
let tx = await pendingTx.mined();
// tx

Work with Wallet Plugin

js-conflux-sdk can be used in browser, and co-work with FluentWallet, by simply set the Fluent exported window.conflux as SDK instance's provider.

// Step1 - initialize the Conflux object without url
// If you load the js-conflux-sdk through script tag:
let cfxClient = new TreeGraph.Conflux({
  networkId: 1,
// If you use bundler to develop your frontend project, 
import { Conflux } from 'js-conflux-sdk';
let cfxClient = new Conflux({
  networkId: 1,

// Step2 - set window.conflux (provided by Fluent wallet) as client's provider
cfxClient.provider = window.conflux;

// Then you can retrive blockchain data and send transaction with the cfxClient


  from: 'Your fluent wallet choosen account address',
  to: 'The target address',
  value: 1

Last updated

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